Healthy Dog Food - Is a Raw Dog Food Diet Safe?

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작성자 Archie
댓글 0건 조회 26회 작성일 24-07-03 03:36


Healthy Dog Food - Is a Raw Dog Food Diet Safe?

The practice of feeding our dogs dog food that is commercialized is the standard for generations. We were taught that this kind of food was best for our pets. In 2007, a revelation occurred. A massive pet food recall showed us that the food we fed our beloved pets was actually harming our pets. This is why a large number of dog owners were forced to rethink the way they fed their pets.

When feeding our dogs raw dog food there are a variety of things that must be taken into consideration. Certain foods which is suitable for you may be good for your dog. The reason is due to the differences in the way they digest and process food.

For example, humans are able to consume large quantities of onions. Onions are used in many dishes. But this vegetable is harmful to our dogs. Just a small portion can cause our dogs to develop anemia. Another instance is chocolates. Who doesn't enjoy eating chocolates? We can consume huge amounts of chocolate in a single meal, but with the chance of gaining couple of pounds. When it comes to dogs, it's a different story. If you only indulge in small amounts of chocolate, it can prove to be fatal for our pets.


When it comes to eating raw meat, it has the opposite effect for us, compared to our dogs. There is a risk of contracting diseases by consumption of raw animal. When dogs eat meat that is raw, they are better equipped to process and digest it. Additionally, they enjoy the taste of raw meat.

The reason for this is a much faster working digestive system. Dogs digest food quicker in comparison to how we digest food. Before bacteria cause damage to our pets, the food they eat has already been processed and taken in. The efficiency of their digestion is due to the high levels of acid in their digestive system. This is why they're more able to break down raw bones and meat. Here's more info regarding raw duck cat food look at the web-site. In the case of bacteria their digestive system swiftly destroys any type of bacteria.

The proof of this digestion efficiency can be seen our dog's selection of food, even while their owners aren't looking. They are fond of digging through the trash, and they enjoy eating dead rodents, dead birds or roadkill. Eating these things seems to have no adverse effects on their health. This is evolution at its finest. Mother Nature designed their digestive systems to ensure that they can better adapt to these food choices.

However, this does not mean you must take a trip to feed your pet roadkill. The diet of your dog should consist of good quality, uncontaminated, and nutritious raw food. It is essential to feed them an appropriate diet that will satisfy the nutritional needs of their day and will make them want more.


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