Answers about Dog Care

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작성자 Terence Llanos
댓글 0건 조회 12회 작성일 24-07-03 02:35


You can give your puppy a bath once they are at least 8 weeks old. It's important to use a gentle puppy shampoo and ensure the water is warm, not hot. Avoid bat
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Dog Breeds


Best time to breed a collie?

Asked by Tommeyer

Female collies are typically ready for breeding between 9-12 months of age. It is recommended to have a vet perform necessary health checks and genetic testing
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Dog Breeds


Why does my hair shed so much?

Asked by Wiki User

Hair shedding can be influenced by factors such as genetics, stress, hormonal changes, nutritional deficiencies, and certain medical conditions. It is a natural
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Dog Care

What is the cost of raising a medium-sized dog to the age eleven?

Asked by Wiki User

The cost of raising a medium-sized dog to the age of eleven can vary depending on factors such as food, veterinary care, grooming, toys, and other essentials. O
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Dog Care

How do you slap an animal?

Asked by Wiki User

It is never acceptable or ethical to slap an animal. Physical violence towards animals is harmful and should be avoided at all costs. If you are having trouble
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Domestic Dogs


How old are dogs when they first go in heat?

Asked by Wiki User

Dogs typically go into heat for the first time between six to twelve months of age, but this can vary depending on the breed and size of the dog. Larger breeds
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Dog Breeds


What is the difference between Teacup chihuahua and chihuahua?

Asked by Wiki User

Teacup Chihuahua is a smaller version of the Chihuahua breed, typically weighing less than 5 pounds. They are bred to be even tinier than the already small Chih
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Dog Breeds


Do Chinese cresteds shed?

Asked by Wiki User

Chinese Cresteds are generally considered to be a low-shedding breed. They have both hairless and powder-puff varieties, with the hairless variety shedding very
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Domestic Dogs


Where can you take a dog swimming in Pittsburgh?

Asked by Wiki User

Some popular places for dogs to swim in Pittsburgh include Riverview Dog Park and the dog beach at South Side Riverfront Park. Additionally, North Park and Sett
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Domestic Dogs


Can a mother dog have a favorite puppy?

Asked by SmartyPantz24

Some mothers may show more attention or affection towards certain puppies in their litter, but this doesn't necessarily mean they have a favorite. It can be inf
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Dog Care

Should you cut the nails by ourselves?

Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you can safely cut your nails yourself at home. Use clean and sharp nail clippers to avoid causing damage to the nail. Be sure to cut straight across and n
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Dog Behavior


What is the best bedding for a puppy to sleep on?

Asked by Wiki User

The best bedding for a puppy is one that is soft, comfortable, and easy to clean. Many pet owners opt for washable, waterproof bedding that provides cushioning
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Domestic Dogs


What breed of dog can handle being out in the heat?

Asked by Wiki User

Breeds like the Labrador Retriever, Australian Shepherd, and Greyhound are known to handle heat well due to their short coats, efficient panting, and higher tol
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Dog Behavior


Why can't your 4month old puppy won't stand up?

Asked by Wiki User

A 4-month-old puppy may not be standing up due to weakness or injury. It's important to seek veterinary advice to rule out any medical issues or developmental p
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Domestic Dogs


What can be done if the dog can't move and can't go to the bathroom?

Asked by Wiki User

If a dog is unable to move and can't go to the bathroom, it's crucial to seek immediate veterinary care. This could be a sign of a serious medical condition or
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Dog Care


How do you clip turtles nails?

Asked by Wiki User

Trimming a turtle's nails should be avoided unless they are excessively long and causing issues. If necessary, you can gently use pet nail clippers or a Dremel
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Dog Breeds


Why does one of your bitches scratch the floor when the other is on heat?

Asked by Wiki User

This behavior is likely due to the instinctual urge to mark territory and attract a mate. Your dog is displaying this behavior to assert dominance and communica
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Dog Care

Will your pitbull take care of her puppies when they are born?

Asked by Wiki User

Yes, most pitbulls show strong maternal instincts and will typically take care of their puppies by keeping them warm, nursing them, and grooming them. However,
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Domestic Dogs


My dog hasn't pooped for 5 days ... im worried how do i make him poop?

Asked by Wiki User

If your dog hasn't had a bowel movement in 5 days, you should consult a veterinarian immediately. They can determine the underlying cause, which could range fro
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Dog Behavior


How do you make a whelping box?

Asked by Wiki User

To make a whelping box, you will need a sturdy box or crate with high sides to prevent puppies from escaping, a soft and washable bedding material, and a heat s
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Domestic Dogs


How do you stop an 8 week old puppy from biting?

Asked by Wiki User

Redirect their biting onto appropriate chew toys, yelp or say "ouch" in a high-pitched voice when they bite to mimic how their littermates would react
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Domestic Dogs


Why do dogs play with their food?

Asked by Wiki User

Dogs have natural instincts to engage in play behaviors like hunting, foraging and chewing. When they play with their food, it mimics these instincts and can ma
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Dog Care

Why do your dog eat once a day?

Asked by Wiki User

Dogs are typically fed once or twice a day based on their age, size, and breed. Some dogs may eat once a day to maintain a healthy weight or due to a specific f
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Dog Care

What type of meat do German shepherd dogs eat?

Asked by Wiki User

German shepherd dogs can eat a diet that includes lean proteins such as chicken, beef, fish, and lamb. It's also important to offer balanced nutrition that incl
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Domestic Dogs


How do dogs digest food?

Asked by Wiki User

Dogs digest food through a process that begins in the mouth with chewing and saliva production, then moves to the stomach where digestive enzymes and acids brea
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