Fantastic Online Casino Option 7237592276545783644

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작성자 Vivien Egglesto…
댓글 0건 조회 14회 작성일 24-08-24 00:39


The secret that I am about to reveal has been very profitable for me. Virtually all excellent online casino poker players would give up their hands pre-flop and post-flop through the speed at which they bet. I first came across this aspect of poker play at a shorthanded cash game with several friends on a marginal hand. When I decided to raise, the small blind folded but instantly the big blind called me. I was suspicious of his quick call, but I bet out after flopping an ace. He called again quickly, I checked, he waited long enough before betting, I called his bet and rivered a jack for two pair. Here I had made a good, I checked the river, and he bet once again, I instinctly called him as I was beat, and could not get away from the 2 pair, he flipped over aces.

EuropeanFrenchRoulette-1.jpgReading poker players is like solving a puzzle; you have to gather all of the pieces (information) before making any decision. In this situation, the opponent player provided me with the information that at pre-flop he called me quickly, he called me again on the flop as quickly as before and also the vital information is the fact that he waited for a while before betting.

Always remember that quick check represents weakness of the opponent, if he waits and after that bets represents strength and a quick bet represents weakness (it's an attempt to try to show your strength) and an instant call also represents strength.

Although, strategies are never foolproof and also you should probably base around 20% to 25% of your decision on such guidelines, but its always wise to take account of the opponent player's standing of playing and the way he has been playing at the table.


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